Some things to do daily….

Read back in Alliance Chat for any discussions we’ve had. There are questions asked and answered there.

In your Tavern is a list of daily activities: I am going through them with how to complete and why you should do it.

Monster Kill. – This is any monster (rewards and experience for growth).
Use Mounted (Cavalry) General and Cavalry troops only.
When setting a rally please set for 5 minutes and check the power required

Patrol – 3 Free items per day, you can also use gems if it’s worth the cost
This is located on you wall.

Material Composing – You don’t have to craft gear to get the credit, click on the forge and material to compose.

Wheel of Fortune – You can receive the WOF chips from different events, when your VIP reaches level 4 you can select Shajar to remove a low quality item, at VIP 8 you can select Edward to remove 2 low quality items from your spins. *you only need one spin per day for your daily requirements

General Enhancing – Select a general and click Cultivate at the bottom. This costs gems but makes your general stronger

Black Market – Purchase items for less cost than the gem store

Alliance Donation – Donate to your Alliance Science multiple times (when you have enough credit you can use towards a 3 day bubble/truce agreement also)

Alliance Help – Hit the help button to help your alliance members throughout the day

Boss Monster Kill – This is strictly the boss monsters, does not include event monsters or common

Trap Building – build different level of traps in your trap factory

Troop Healing – after your troops are hurt and sent to your hospital you get credit for healing them

Troop Training – you should always be training each type of troops: Cavalry, Archer, Ground and Siege. As long as you complete at least one round of training each day you will receive credit

Gold Levy – Click on your keep and then Levy, there is an option for free levy. This can be increased by researching.

Resource Tax – Click on your marketplace and tax. Select a resource and click tax next to it. this will add to that resource selected. As your generals are cultivated more and your level is high enough you can get boosts by adding a general to the different buildings.

Offering – In your Shrine you want to make an offering daily. A minimum of 7 per week will give you the next rewards level. The offering goes towards your prestige which helps with your VIP and gives additional buffs and rewards.

Research – This is the backbone of your power! You should constantly be doing research and if you complete one each day you will receive credit.

Construction – In addition to troop training and research always, always be working on construction. If you have the gems available open more than one slot and construction on multiple buildings

PVP – Kill Event, SVS and of course Monarch’s without an individual name or an alliance. See King’s mail for details.

Resource Collection – This is your production each day from inside your city

Resource Gathering – Resources from tiles, I recommend each night before you sleep

Relic Exploration – you can open a relic for your alliance and visit, currently you also get credit for visiting pyramids.

Troop Killing – See PVP details.

I hope this helps! We will send other emails and try to space them out so you aren’t overwhelmed.